Tuesday, November 29, 2011

IRIS Members - An Invitation to Join InteriorStylist.org

The Interior Stylist Network
With the dissolving of IRIS, the members of InteriorStylist.org thought that this was a great opportunity to grow our Network. The Interior Stylist group is presently a small collective network mainly in the Chicagoland area. We aren't just home stagers or interior redesigners, we something else... If your business model reflects the below qualities, we'd love for you to join our network. We invite you to take a look at our Network site: http://www.interiorstylist.org/ and see the requirements for Membership.

The Interior Stylist Network is...

We are a creative collective of design professionals that specialize in Home Staging, Interior Redesign, Decorating & Lifestyle Design.  We offer Progressive Design Services - From beginnings to celebrations, large projects or just a tweak - We're progressive designers and lifestyle experts that can help homeowners with all their projects and events.

Interior Stylist network members are progressive thinkers, highly skilled and seasoned professionals. With multiple talents, they work with their clients on every aspect of their home. Whether their needs are a one-day room makeover, making a home beautiful for a special occasion, creating one-of-a-kind window treatments, or helping stage a property for sale - Their creativity and expertise make for a fabulous end. The result is a happy homeowner that has fully embraced and celebrated every aspect of their home!

Our network is small, exclusive and just outside the box - And we like it that way.  We consider ourselves a select niche, a unique blend of interior design  and lifestyle skills. 

Our motto is "We Celebrate the Soul of Your Home."

Our philosophy is: Our homes are our havens and a reflection of our souls - A Certified Interior Stylist is The New Generation of Designer that embraces and celebrates everything about your home.

What Our Network Members Say...

"I'm not the 'club' type.  I don't wear a name badge... The Interior Stylist Network is a perfect place to share information, be inspired and our creative, laid back, non-competitive nature and fun events (plus great food) are why I belong."  Denise Lough - TheRoomDesigner.com

"The people in our group are the 'Real Thing!" Its an organization of fellow designers, of like mind, professional and equally talented." Susan Powell - InFocusDesignonline.com

For more information, visit us at http://www.interiorstylist.org/, our training site http://www.interiorstylistprogram.com/ or email us at info@interiorstylist.org.  We welcome your questions.